Tools for streamlining communication with ML models for compiler optimizations.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CBaseCompilerInterfaceThis base class specifies methods for communication with compiler
 CGrpcCompilerInterfaceThis class implements methods for communication with compiler using gRPC
 CPipeCompilerInterfaceThis class implements methods for communication with compiler using pipes
 CSerDesClass for serialization and deserialization in various formats for communication
 CAgentAgent is a wrapper around the ONNXModel class, interfaces with the Environment class to support ML/RL model inference via ONNXModel
 CBitstreamSerDesBitstreamSerDes - Bitstream Serialization/Deserialization which sends header information followed by the raw data
 CgRPCModelRunnerThis class is used to create the grpc model runner object
 CJsonSerDesJsonSerDes - Json Serialization/Deserialization using LLVM's json library
 CMLModelRunnerMLModelRunner - The main interface for interacting with the ML models
 CNoopSavedModelImplA mock class satisfying the interface expected by ReleaseModeModelRunner for its TGen parameter
 CONNXModelRunnerONNXModelRunner is the main user facing class that interfaces with the Environment and Agent classes to support ML/RL model inference via ONNXModel
 CPipeModelRunnerA MLModelRunner that asks for advice from an external agent, or host
 CProtobufSerDesProtobufSerDes - Protobuf Serialization/Deserialization to support gRPC communication
 CTensorflowSerDesTensorflowSerDes - Serialization/Deserialization to support TF AOT models
 CTFModelRunnerTFModelRunner - TF Compiled model implementation of the MLModelRunner