Tools for streamlining communication with ML models for compiler optimizations.
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ONNX Model Runner (In-Process Model Runner)

A ONNX based Model Runner to support integrtion of trained models with the compiler during inference.

Trained model integration

Integration of a trained model happnes in two steps.

  • Step 1: The model trained on some native environment need to be exported in ONNX format
  • Step 2: The model can be queried anywhere in the compiler environment by creating a instance of ONNXModel class provided by setting the ONNX model's path.

Example Usage:

RL Agent Class

The below example show how a RL agent can create a instance of ONNXModel class and query it at the time of computing action.

#include "agent.h"
#include "onnxUtil.h"
Agent::Agent(std::string modelPath, int inputSize) {
this->model = new ONNXModel(modelPath.c_str());
this->inputSize = inputSize;
unsigned Agent::computeAction(Observation &input) {
this->model->run(input, model_output);
return argmaxVal;
Agent class to support ML/RL model inference via ONNX.

RL InferenceEngine Class

The below example showing a demo class to query the RL model, which can be called from pass. DriverService class is defined by inherithing InferenceEngine base class. It will also define the supporting fuction e.g. getPredictions which will query the ONNXModel and return the responce.

#include "inference-engine.h"
class DriverService : public InferenceEngine {
InferenceEngine(MultiAgentEnv* env) {
addAgent(new Agent(agentModelPath, agentObsSize),"Agent name");
InferenceEngine(std::string modelPath, int inputSize) {
// Creat instance of ONNXModel
this->model = new ONNXModel(modelPath.c_str());
this->inputSize = inputSize;
void getPredictions(PassData &passData, OptInfo &predictions) {
// Logic to query model and return prediction goes here

Integration with LLVM Pass

The below example show how to call the InferenceEngine from a LLVM Pass.

#include "environment.h"
#include "driver-service.h"
struct Hello : public FunctionPass, Environment {
bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override {
// Creates instance of DriverService with InferenceEngine as parent class
InferenceEngine* inference_driver = new DriverService(Environment* env);
inference_driver->getPredictions(PassData passData, OptInfo &predictions);
Base Environment class to support ONNX based inference of RL models.