Tools for streamlining communication with ML models for compiler optimizations.
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
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 BaseCompilerInterface.pyThis file contains the abstract class for compiler interface
 GrpcCompilerInterface.pyCompiler interface for gRPC
 log_reader.pyReader for training log
 PipeCompilerInterface.pyCompiler interface for pipes
 SerDes.pySerDes for JSON and bitstream data
 ONNXModelRunner.hThis file defines the C APIs for ONNXModelRunner
 PipeModelRunner.hThis file defines the C API for PipeModelRunner
 agent.hAgent class to support ML/RL model inference via ONNX
 environment.hBase Environment class to support ONNX based inference of RL models
 onnx.hThis file defines the ONNXModel class, which is a wrapper around the ONNX C++ interface
 ONNXModelRunner.hONNXModelRunner class supporting communication via ONNX C++ Runtime
 DataTypes.hThis file defines the bit widths of integral and floating point types supported by the MLCompilerBridge
 Debug.hThis file defines the debug macros for the MLCompilerBridge
 MLConfig.hThis file defines the MLConfig class, which is a wrapper around the MLConfig command line option for passing information like path of the models and other configuration to the compiler passes
 gRPCModelRunner.hGRPCModelRunner class supporting communication via gRPC
 MLModelRunner.hThe MLModelRunner class is the main interface for interacting with the ML models
 PipeModelRunner.hPipeModelRunner class supporting communication via OS pipes between the compiler and an external ML agent
 TFModelRunner.hThis file implements a model runner wrapping an AOT compiled ML model
 baseSerDes.hSupporting new SerDes:
 bitstreamSerDes.hBitstream Serialization/Deserialization which sends header information followed by the raw data
 jsonSerDes.hJson Serialization/Deserialization using LLVM's json library
 protobufSerDes.hProtobuf Serialization/Deserialization to support gRPC communication
 tensorflowSerDes.hSerialization/Deserialization to support TF AOT models
 ONNXModelRunnerCWrapper.cppThis file defines the C APIs for ONNXModelRunner
 PipeModelRunnerCWrapper.cppThis file defines the C APIs for PipeModelRunner
 agent.cppThis file defines the Agent class, which is a wrapper around the ONNXModel class
 onnx.cppThis file defines the ONNXModel class, which is a wrapper around the ONNX C++ interface
 ONNXModelRunner.cppThis file defines the ONNXModelRunner class to support ML model inference via ONNX
 PipeModelRunner.cppThis file defines the PipeModelRunner class to interface with an external ML model during training and inference
 bitstreamSerDes.cppThis file defines the BitstreamSerDes class, which is a serializer for Bitstream format
 jsonSerDes.cppThis file defines the JsonSerDes class, which is a wrapper around the JSON C++ interface to serialize and deserialize data to and from JSON
 protobufSerDes.cppThis file defines the ProtobufSerDes class, which is a wrapper around the protobuf C++ interface to support gRPC communication between the client and server
 tensorflowSerDes.cppThis file defines the TensorflowSerDes class, to support interfacing with Tensorflow AOT models via TFModelRunner
 TensorSpec.cppImplementation file for the abstraction of a tensor type, and JSON loading utils