Tools for streamlining communication with ML models for compiler optimizations.
▼ CompilerInterface | |
▼ compilerinterface | | | | | This file contains the abstract class for compiler interface | | Compiler interface for gRPC | | Reader for training log | | Compiler interface for pipes | | SerDes for JSON and bitstream data | | |
▼ include | |
▼ MLModelRunner | |
▼ C | |
ONNXModelRunner.h | This file defines the C APIs for ONNXModelRunner |
PipeModelRunner.h | This file defines the C API for PipeModelRunner |
▼ ONNXModelRunner | |
agent.h | Agent class to support ML/RL model inference via ONNX |
environment.h | Base Environment class to support ONNX based inference of RL models |
onnx.h | This file defines the ONNXModel class, which is a wrapper around the ONNX C++ interface |
ONNXModelRunner.h | ONNXModelRunner class supporting communication via ONNX C++ Runtime |
utils.h | |
▼ Utils | |
DataTypes.h | This file defines the bit widths of integral and floating point types supported by the MLCompilerBridge |
Debug.h | This file defines the debug macros for the MLCompilerBridge |
MLConfig.h | This file defines the MLConfig class, which is a wrapper around the MLConfig command line option for passing information like path of the models and other configuration to the compiler passes |
gRPCModelRunner.h | GRPCModelRunner class supporting communication via gRPC |
MLModelRunner.h | The MLModelRunner class is the main interface for interacting with the ML models |
PipeModelRunner.h | PipeModelRunner class supporting communication via OS pipes between the compiler and an external ML agent |
TFModelRunner.h | This file implements a model runner wrapping an AOT compiled ML model |
▼ SerDes | |
baseSerDes.h | Supporting new SerDes: |
bitstreamSerDes.h | Bitstream Serialization/Deserialization which sends header information followed by the raw data |
jsonSerDes.h | Json Serialization/Deserialization using LLVM's json library |
protobufSerDes.h | Protobuf Serialization/Deserialization to support gRPC communication |
tensorflowSerDes.h | Serialization/Deserialization to support TF AOT models |
TensorSpec.h | |
▼ MLModelRunner | |
▼ C | |
ONNXModelRunnerCWrapper.cpp | This file defines the C APIs for ONNXModelRunner |
PipeModelRunnerCWrapper.cpp | This file defines the C APIs for PipeModelRunner |
gRPCModelRunner | |
▼ ONNXModelRunner | |
agent.cpp | This file defines the Agent class, which is a wrapper around the ONNXModel class |
onnx.cpp | This file defines the ONNXModel class, which is a wrapper around the ONNX C++ interface |
ONNXModelRunner.cpp | This file defines the ONNXModelRunner class to support ML model inference via ONNX |
▼ Utils | |
MLConfig.cpp | |
PipeModelRunner.cpp | This file defines the PipeModelRunner class to interface with an external ML model during training and inference |
▼ SerDes | |
bitstreamSerDes.cpp | This file defines the BitstreamSerDes class, which is a serializer for Bitstream format |
jsonSerDes.cpp | This file defines the JsonSerDes class, which is a wrapper around the JSON C++ interface to serialize and deserialize data to and from JSON |
protobufSerDes.cpp | This file defines the ProtobufSerDes class, which is a wrapper around the protobuf C++ interface to support gRPC communication between the client and server |
tensorflowSerDes.cpp | This file defines the TensorflowSerDes class, to support interfacing with Tensorflow AOT models via TFModelRunner |
TensorSpec.cpp | Implementation file for the abstraction of a tensor type, and JSON loading utils |
tools.cpp |